Immigration reform supporters suffered a setback in Washington on Tuesday as Senate Republicans blocked a bill called the "Dream Act."
It would have given undocumented immigrants who were brought to America as children a path toward legal status, as long as they served in the military or went to college.
Democrats say the Defense Department supports the plan as a way of getting good recruits, but Republicans unanimously opposed the bill. They filibustered it, and kept it from coming up for a vote.
"You don't want to send these kind of mixed messages around world that you're going to reward those who come here illegally while you require those who play by the rules to wait patiently for years," said Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.).
"It is my highest priority," said Sen. Dick Durbin. "It is a matter of simple American justice. And I would hope that eleven Republicans who joined us last time will stop cowering in the shadows and come forward and join us in a bi-partisan effort."
Republicans said Democrats are pandering to Hispanics to get votes in the mid-term election.