Microsoft's attempt to get a judge to throw out the Vista "junk PC" suit shows off every aspect of the lawyer's art: It's misleading, factually incorrect, and stresses legalisms over common sense. It also flatly contradicts emails from Microsoft officials. Here are the details, including excerpts from Microsoft's filing.
The latest filing is part of the lawsuit against Microsoft for a marketing scheme in which people claim that Microsoft misled consumers into buying the Windows Vista Capable PCs, even though the PCs couldn't run the most important features of Vista.
As Computerworld reports, Microsoft asked on Friday that the judge suspend the suit while Microsoft appeals the decision to allow the class-action suit to go forward. Microsoft filed a variety of legal papers backing up its requests.
One of the more outrageous and amusing claims from Microsoft in these papers is that everyone at the time of the release of Windows Vista knew that Vista Capable PCs couldn't run most of the important features of Vista, including Aero.