The US Supreme Court has refused to expedite its consideration of a petition for a writ of certiorari filed by Guantanamo Bay detainees seeking review of the 2006 Military Commissions Act. According to a report on the Jurist site, two Guantanamo detainees, Salim Ahmed Hamdan and Omar Khadr, filed the motion to expedite recently, asking the court to review the MCA provision which prevents federal courts from hearing detainees' habeas corpus challenges. The detainees asked the court to review the habeas-stripping provision as it was applied in two separate cases: the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit upheld the dismissal of many habeas cases, and a district judge last December dismissed Hamdan's habeas appeal, finding the district court lacked jurisdiction due to the court-stripping provision. Lawyers for the detainees had hoped that the court would grant certiorari in the appeal and would schedule oral arguments for the current term.