The case stemmed from Baldwin's arrest last year, when police found him and another man in a Santa Monica motel, possessing cocaine and drug paraphernalia.
Baldwin is undergoing rehab in the hope of getting the charges dismissed.
He is the second oldest of the four Baldwin brothers, who are all actors.
Superior Court judge Scott Millington took the action after Baldwin failed to turn up to give a progress report on his drug rehabilitation "without sufficient excuse" and without his lawyer, according to court documents.
Baldwin, brother of William, Stephen and Alec Baldwin, was required to meet with the judge in connection with a cocaine-possession case.
At a progress report in February, Mr Hoagland said Baldwin had passed 20 drug tests and was sober for 92 days.
Baldwin later opened up about his cocaine addiction in a series of confessional video diaries that were shown on ABC News' Primetime. The video charted his progress through a three-month drug treatment programme in Malibu.